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张正彪,1997年、2000年和2007年在苏州大学化学化工学院(现材料与化学化工学部)分别获化学工程学士学位、高分子化学与物理硕士和博士学位。2000年硕士毕业后留校任助教,历任讲师(2003)、副教授(2009)、教授(2013)和特聘教授(2018)。2007 -2008年新加坡国立大学博士后;2012-2013年美国阿克伦大学访问学者;2015年日本名古屋大学访问教授。现任材化部主任、苏州大学学术委员会委员等职。近年来,在Nat. Commun.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Progress in Polymer Science,Macromolecules,Polym. Chem.等刊物发表研究论文160余篇;获中国发明专利授权22项。获日本化学会Distinguished Lectureship Award;任环太平洋化学大会(PACIFICHEM 2020)分会负责人;主办第一届高分子精准合成与功能材料国际研讨会(2022),并担任会议共同主席。受邀在第99届日本化学年会作Keynote Lecture、全国高分子学术论文报告会(2015、2017和2019)、环太平洋化学大会(PACIFICHEM 2015)、国际高分子化学研讨会(Warwick2016)、第255届美国化学会年会(2018)、有机和高分子合成国际会议(2018)等多个重要学术会议作邀请报告。受邀为期刊Polym. Chem.和Chin. J. Polym. Sci.撰写综述。受《高分子学报》《Since China Chemistry》等刊物邀请撰写特约专论;应邀担任《Giant》、《European Polymer Journal》、《Reactive Functional polymers》和《功能高分子学报》等杂志执行编委和顾问编委。被Polym. Chem.杂志遴选为Emerging Investigator和Pioneering Investigator。主持包括国家重点研发计划、国家杰出青年科学基金等国家级项目多项。高分子精准合成、精密高分子结构与性能(功能)研究、数字高分子、可再生/仿生功能高分子、响应性功能高分子的设计和定制合成。欢迎化学或材料科学与工程专业高分子方向的学生报考硕士/博士研究生,欢迎相关方向博士后联系进站。
3) 日本化学会Distinguished Lectureship Award,2019;4) 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象,2014;9)指导国家级大学生创新性实验计划(2010)和校级大学生创新性计划(2009)各1项,结题均为优秀。1) 国家重点研发计划:聚乳酸的规模化制备及关键单体丙交酯的一步法产业示范(2022YFB3704900),8990万元,2022.11–2025.10,主持。2) 国家杰出青年科学基金:高分子精准合成(21925107),400万元,2020.1–2024.12,主持。3) 国家重点研发计划:生物界面反应性递送载体的设计与精准构筑(2020YFA0710701),2020.12–2025.11,参与。4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于可逆Diels-Alder反应构建复杂拓扑链结构以及分子量/序列明确的聚合物(21674072),直接费用68万元,2017.1–2020.12,主持。5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于非共价键相互作用和可控自由基聚合的大分子精密合成(21374068),83万元。2014.1–2017.12,主持。6) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:室温下零价铁调控的“活性”/可控自由基聚合(21174094),62万元。2012.1–2015.12,主持。7) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:单电子转移“活性”自由基聚合(SET-LRP)的机理研究(20904036),19万元,2010.1–2012.12,主持。8) 江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目:基于“活性”自由基聚合和分子间弱相互作用的大分子精密合成(12KJA150007),30万元,2012.8–2015.12,主持。1. Xin Wang*,Zhengbiao Zhang*, Nikos Hadjichristidis*, Poly(amino ester)s as an emerging synthetic biodegradable polymer platform: Recent developments and future trends. Progress in Polymer Science2023, 136, 101634.2. Yaodi Chen , Zhihao Huang* & Zhengbiao Zhang*, Recent advances in the synthesis of discrete oligomers and polymers: chemistry, strategy and technology. Science China-Chemistry. 2022, 65, 1007–1009.3. Yang Gao, Liuqiao Zhang, Rui Jia, Zhihao Huang, Yujie Xie, Sunting Xuan, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang,* and Xiulin Zhu2,5-Dimethylfuran/Acrylonitrile as Latent Monomer for Sequence-Controlled Copolymer and Sequence-Dependent Thermo-Responsivity. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2021, 2000724,4. Fufu Han, Qiunan Shi, Liuqiao Zhang, Baolei Liu, Yajie Zhang, Yang Gao, Rui Jia, Zhengbiao Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu. Stereoisomeric furan/maleimide adducts as latent monomers for one-shot sequence-controlled polymerization. Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 1614-1620.5. Baolei Liu, Qiunan Shi, Lihua Hu, Zhihao Huang, Xiulin Zhu and Zhengbiao Zhang*. Engineering Digital Polymer Based on Thiol-Maleimide Michael Coupling Toward Effective Writing and Reading. Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 1702-1707.6. Yuqing Wang, Jiawei Yu, Zhe Wang, Shahid Iqbal, Wei Zhang, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Nianchen Zhou* and Xiulin Zhu. Real-time Near-infrared Fluorescent Reporting the Azoreductasetriggered Drug Release. Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 734–743.7. Xiaojie Yuan, Zhe Wang, Lishan Li, Jiawei Yu, Yuqing Wang, Hongkun Li, Jiandong Zhang, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Nianchen Zhou* and Xiulin Zhu. Novel fluorescent amphiphilic copolymer probes containing azo-tetraphenylethylene bridges for azoreductase-triggered release. Materials Chemistry Frontiers2019, 3, 1097–1104.8. Zhengbiao Zhang*, Baolei Liu, Zhihao Huang, Yufang Zhong, Qiunan Shi and Xiulin Zhu. Thiol Chemistry for Precision Polymer Synthesis. Synthetic Polymer Chemistry: Innovations and Outlook (Book). Chapter 2. 2019. 978-1-78801-523-3 (RSC).9. Qiunan Shi, Yajie Zhang, Zhihao Huang*, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu. Precise sequence regulation through maleimide chemistry. Polymer Journal. 2019, doi:10.1038/s41428-019-0263-7. (Focus Review).10. Zhihao Huang, Qiunan Shi, Jiang Guo, Fanying Meng, Yajie Zhang, Yutong Lu, Zhuangfei Qian, Xiaopeng Li, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang* & Xiulin Zhu. Binary tree-inspired digital dendrimer. Nature Communications2019, 10:1918.11. Jiawei Yu, Kun Li, Lishan Li, Lei Liu, Yechun Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Mingyu Guo*, Nianchen Zhou* and Xiulin Zhu. Photo-responsive gels based on cyclic/linearpolymers: efficient synthesis and properties. Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 2872–288012. Yanyan Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Almar Postma and Graeme Moad*. Kinetics and mechanism for thermal and photochemical decomposition of 4,4’-azobis(4-cyanopentanoic acid) in aqueous media. Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 3284–3287.13. Liuqiao Zhang, Yuxuan Ji, Xue Gu, Wei Zhang, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Xiulin Zhu. Synthesis of sequence-controlled polymers with pendent “clickable” or hydrophilic groups via latent monomer strategy. Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2019, 138, 96–103.14.Fanying Meng, Yajie Zhang, Kunshan Ding, Baolei Liu, Fufu Han, Yiying He, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Xiulin Zhu. One-shot synthesis of sequence-controlled polymers with versatile succimide motifs for post-modifications. Reactive and Functional Polymers2019, 134, 67–73.15. Qilong Li,Jiandong Zhang,Xiangqiang Pan*,Zhengbiao Zhang*,Jian Zhu*,Xiulin Zhu. Selenide-Containing Polyimides with an Ultrahigh Intrinsic Refractive Index. Polymers2018, 10, 417.16. Yanyan Zhou, Lei Li, Wei Chen, Dian Li, Nianchen Zhou, Jinlin He,* Peihong Ni, Zhengbiao Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu. A twin-tailed tadpole-shaped amphiphilic copolymer of poly(ethylene glycol) and cyclic poly(ε-caprolactone): synthesis, self-assembly and biomedical applications. Polym. Chem. 2018, 9, 4343–4354.17. Liuqiao Zhang, Zhihao Huang, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Xiulin Zhu. Synthesis and Application of Sequence-controlled Polymers. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2018, 9, 1144–1154.18. Lishan Li, Feng Zhou, Yiwen Li, Xiaofang Chen, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Nianchen Zhou,*and Xiulin Zhu. Langmuir2018, 34, 11034–11041.19. Yu Zhou, Yangcui Qu, Qian Yu, Hong Chen, Zhengbiao Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu. Controlled synthesis of diverse single-chain polymeric nanoparticles using polymers bearing furan-protected maleimide moieties. Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 3238–3247.20. Shuangshuang Zhang, Yasuyuki Tezuka, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Na Li, Wei Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu. Recent advances in the construction of cyclic grafted polymers and their potential applications. Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 677–686. Perspective.21.Xiaodong Liu, Yuanyuan Ni, Jian Wu, Hongjuan Jiang, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu. A sustainable photocontrolled ATRP strategy: facile separation and recycling of a visible-light mediated catalyst fac-[Ir(ppy)3]. Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 584–592.22. Xue Gu, Liuqiao Zhang, Ying Li, Wei Zhang, Jian Zhu, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Xiulin Zhu, Facile Synthesis of Advanced Gradient Polymers with Sequence Control Using Furan-Protected Maleimide as a Comonomer. Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 1571–1576.23.Zhihao Huang, Junfei Zhao, Zimu Wang, Fanying Meng, Kunshan Ding, Xiangqiang Pan, Nianchen Zhou, Xiaopeng Li, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Xiulin Zhu. Combining Orthogonal Chain End Deprotections and Thiol-Maleimide Michael Coupling: Engineering Discrete Oligomers through Iterative Growth Strategy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 13612–13617.24. Yuxuan Ji, Liuqiao Zhang, Xue Gu, Wei Zhang, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang,* and Xiulin Zhu. Sequence-Controlled Polymers with Furan-Protected Maleimide as a Latent Monomer. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2328–2333.25.Wei Chen, Yanyan Zhou, Ying Li, Jun Sun, Xiangqiang Pan, Qian Yu, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu. Shape-memory and self-healing polyurethanes based on cyclic poly(ε-caprolactone). Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 6789–6797.26. Junfei Zhao, Yanyan Zhou, Yu Zhou, Nianchen Zhou, Xiangqiang Pan, Zhengbiao Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu. A straightforward approach for the one-pot synthesis of cyclic polymers from RAFT polymers via thiol–Michael addition. Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 1782–1791.27. Chunlai Ding, Caiwei Fan, Ganquan Jiang, Xiangqiang Pan, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Jian Zhu* and Xiulin Zhu. Photocatalyst-Free and Blue Light-Induced RAFT Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate at Ambient Temperature. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 2015, 36, 2181–2185.28. Zhiwei Lin, Pengtao Lu, Xinfei Yu, Wen-Bin Zhang, Mingjun Huang, Kan Wu, Kai Guo, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Xiulin Zhu, Zhengbiao Zhang*, Kan Yue* and Stephen Z. D. Cheng*. Sequential “Click” Synthesis of “Nano-Diamond-Ring-like” Giant Surfactants Based on Functionalized Hydrophilic POSS/C60 Tethered with Cyclic Polystyrenes. Macromolecules2014, 47, 4160–4168.29. Zhihao Huang, Yanyan Zhou, Zimu Wang, Ying Li, Wei Zhang, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu*. Recent Advances of CuAAC Click ReactionIn Building Cyclic Polymer. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science2017, 35, 317–341. Review article.30. Zhaoxiong Cai, Weihong Lu, Feng Gao, Xiangqiang Pan, * Jian Zhu, Zhengbiao Zhang* Xiulin Zhu*. Diselenide-Labeled Cyclic Polystyrene with Multiple Responses: Facile Synthesis, Tunable Size, and Topology. Macromol. Rapid Commun.2016, 37, 865–871.31. Shuangshuang Zhang, Lu Yin, Wei Zhang*, Zhengbiao Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu*. Synthesis of Diverse Cyclic-Brush Polymers with Cyclic Polystyrene as Universal Template via Grafting-from Approach. Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 2112–2120.32. Qingqing Liu, Huaqiao Wu, Liuqiao Zhang, Yu Zhou, Wei Zhang, Xiangqiang Pan, Zhengbiao Zhang* and Xiulin Zhu. RAFT polymerization of N-vinylpyrrolidone mediated by cyanoprop-2-yl-1-dithionaphthalate in the presence of a fluoroalcohol: the possibility of altering monomer properties by hydrogen bonding? Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 2015–2021.