
美国罗格斯大学Michal Szostak课题组招聘2020春季入学有机化学全奖博士生

来源:美国罗格斯大学      2019-09-12
导读:需要你具备的条件:1)饱满的科研热情, 有机化学专业, 具有一定的实验操作基础(硕士优先, 有发表科研论文优先);2)托福80分以上(或雅思6.0以上), 并有GRE成绩

美国罗格斯大学Michal Szostak课题组招聘2020春季入学有机化学全奖博士生


Szostak 教授介绍:

--2014年9月加入罗格斯大学化学系, 现为副教授

--2010年12月至2014年8月, 曼切斯特大学博士后, 合作导师David  Procter教授, 从事SmI₂介导羧酸的单电子转移反应研究

--2010年1月至2010年11月, 普林斯顿大学博士后, 导师David MacMillan, 研究方向为可见光催化杂环合成

--2005年8月至2009年12月, 堪萨斯大学博士, 导师Jeffrey Aubé, 从事扭曲内酰胺的合成和活性研究


 Szostak课题组位于罗格斯大学纽瓦克校区, 成立于2014年9月, 主要从事有机合成和金属有机反应研究, 目前具体的研究领域有碳氮活化, 碳氢活化, 酰胺键化学, NHC-铜催化等。Szostak教授是一名富有活力和干劲的科研学者, H指数达46, 课题组从成立至今已在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nat. Comm., ACS Catal., Chem. Sci., Org. Lett., Chem. Commun. 等化学领域主流期刊上发表论文100多篇。课题组目前科研经费充裕, 拥有全新的实验室, 一流的公共科研平台和宽松友好的科研环境。现诚招2020年春季入学有机化学全奖博士生3名, 感兴趣的同学请将简历发送至michal.szostak@rutgers.edu。

需要你具备的条件:1)饱满的科研热情, 有机化学专业, 具有一定的实验操作基础(硕士优先, 有发表科研论文优先);2)托福80分以上(或雅思6.0以上), 并有GRE成绩

加入课题组你将得到:1)扎实的科研训练以及每年多于2篇的高质量研究论文;2)学校免学费并提供可以自足的生活费;3)良好的工作环境(2017年新建的实验楼), 方便的地理位置(距离曼哈顿仅20分钟车程)。

PhD Studentships - Organic and Organometallic Chemistry

Project: Novel Transition Metal-Catalyzed Methods for Organic Synthesis

Applications are invited for three Ph.D. studentships available to start in Spring 2020 (January 2020) at the Department of Chemistry at Rutgers University, Newark, USA working on Synthetic Organic Chemistry & Transition Metal Catalysis under the supervision of Prof. Michal Szostak.

The student will receive extensive training in organic synthesis and organometallic chemistry in new laboratories housed in the Olson Hall. The student will gain expertise in small and large-scale synthesis, inert gas techniques (Schlenk, glove box), design, optimization and validation of reaction conditions, analysis techniques (NMR, GC, GC-MS, LC-MS, HPLC), mechanistic, kinetic studies, X-ray crystallography.

Students in the Szostak group regularly publish research papers in top organic chemistry journals (Angew. Chem., J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Catal., Nat. Commun.). On average, each student publishes >2 papers/year (check http://szostakgroup.com/publications). As an example, Guangrong Meng, a 5th year Ph.D. student (PhD started in Fall 2014) has published >25 research papers (15 as the first author): 2 x Angew. Chem., 1 x J. Am. Chem. Soc., 3 x ACS Catal., 8 x Org. Lett., 1 x Chem. Sci., 2 x Chem. Commun., 1 x Chem. Eur. J., 4 x J. Org. Chem., 1 x Org. Biomol. Chem, 1 x Synlett. We further expect several high impact papers from the last year of his PhD. His profile can be found in our Synlett account, which features mostly his own work from the first two years of his PhD (Synlett 2016, 27, 2530.).

Send your CV, together with a covering letter and contact details of three academic referees to Prof. Szostak at michal.szostak@rutgers.edu GRE and TOEFL scores are required for application. (GRE can be taken after the initial application). Candidates with high TOEL (initial score around 80) will receive preference. IELTS scores (6.0 or higher) can be used instead of TOEFL. Applications from candidates with prior experience in organic synthesis and organometallic chemistry are preferred. The deadline for applications is 30th September 2019. Please, send your application as soon as possible. Applications from students who completed Masters are strongly preferred. Candidates who have already published research papers will receive preference.

The studentship covers fees and an annual stipend. All projects are in the hot-topic areas (N–C activation, C-O activation, C–H activation, visible light photoredox catalysis, NHC-transition metal catalysis). For some background information on recent work by Prof. Szostak see:

-J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 14473 (the first graphene-catalyzed alkylation)

-Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 14518. (the first Heck reaction of amides).

-Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016 55, 6959. (Biaryl coupling, Highlighted in Synfacts, 2016, 12, 731).

-ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 4755. (Ru-catalysis, one of the most accessed papers in ACS Catal. in June 2016)

-ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 7335. (Cooperative catalysis, Highlighted in Synfacts, 2017, 13, 84)

-Chem. Sci. 2017, 8, 6525. (the first RT amide and ester activation, Highlighted in Synfacts, 2017, 13, 1189) 

-Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 12718. (the first phosphorylation of amides, Hot Paper).

-Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 51, 2589. (personal account of N-C and O-C activation).

The Chemistry Department at The State University of New Jersey, features state-of-the-art facilities and equipment (http://chemistry.rutgers.edu/), and is located in a vibrant Newark campus at the heart of metropolitan New York area (15 min to Manhattan and Newark airport). The Szostak labs are located in a brand-new LSC-II building (opened in Nov 2017, https://www.newark.rutgers.edu/tags/lsc-ii).

Prof. Michal Szostak http://chemistry.rutgers.edu/szostak/ 

Webpage: http://szostakgroup.com/

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